Monday, February 11, 2013

Let Them Eat Pizza

So last week I must admit I had an attack of the Lazy. We did cook but unfortunately I didn't think the results were very stellar.

(Not-So) Vegetarian Chili from "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver:

We substituted the beans (since they are not in season and nobody has any at the market) for two pounds of local ground beef. I'm sad to say that I wasn't impressed. I need to do more hunting for a better chili recipe because I'm certain I'll be making chili again before the winter is out.

But this week we had pizza!

Now I always wait to post until I've cooked, because otherwise how will I know whether I liked something or not? But WHOA. This sauce recipe (and thank goodness someone has canned tomatoes or I'd be going stir-crazy right about now) is out of this world! I can't, literally, rave about it enough. You might remember my October post when we did Jamie Oliver's "Deep-Pan Pizza"? No? That's okay, I'll re-post the sauce recipe.

~A swig of white wine vinegar
~1 clove garlic, peels & end removed (I chopped mine into large chunks to make it easier on our dinky little food processor)
~A handful fresh basil leaves (make sure you wash them!)
~1 x 14oz can diced tomatoes
~salt & pepper to taste

To point, this time around we used organic raspberry balsamic vinegar from the Willy St Co-op and dried basil bits from my spice cupboard. Local tomatoes, organic vinegar, local garlic, BAM! As soon as tomatoes actually do come around, I'm canning up a bunch of this sauce in bulk and hoarding it all next winter. I may even give some away as gifts.

So that was our sauce, and our pizza dough came from Mom's suggestion:

So... local WI flour, too? And local mozzarella from Organic Valley? Whoa. Just. Whoa. Plus, it makes 4 little pizzas all told, so Pizzas 3 & 4 are in the freezer, Pizza 1 is almost gone, and Pizza 2 (with Blue Mont Dairy garlic-cheddar filled crust) is about to come out of the oven.

I'm in pizza heaven.

Kim & Emmy

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