Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ready. Set.......GO!

This was it. 1/5/13. The first Winter Farmers' Market of the new year. I thought all about eating local all of Friday night at work and I raced home Saturday morning to find Emmy not quite out of bed yet. I bounced around, full of energy, and dragged her out the door as soon as I could manage. We both knew this weekend would be our last chance to get non-local industrial foods while eating out, and that "local & organic" would be the rule for the rest of the year.

The farmer's market had potatoes, shallots, onions, carrots, some leafy greens (out of season, from greenhouses, I imagine.), breads, cookies, flour, sumac, eggs, lots of different meats, and squashes, of course. Standard winter market fare.

We picked up:
~1 pint sunflower oil
~local granola
~White bread
~3lb bag of carrots for $5. Bargaining FTW!
~cheddar & garlic cheddar cheese
~locally prepared linguini (some kind of long, flat noodle) pasta
~heavy whipping cream
~strawberry jam

Meal plan: Pasta with cheese sauce, carrot chowder (Yes, chowder.), and bread&jam for breakfast.

Funny story about that pasta. Pasta has been my main go-to for about as long as I can remember, so I didn't think twice about putting it and "pasta sauce, ie, tomato" on my shopping list. And then, several days later, I was at work and suddenly remembered, "Duh! Tomatoes aren't in season right now." Eating local, for whatever it's going to be worth at the end of this year, is certainly going to be interesting...

Now, every diet worth its salt, so to speak, has some cheats built into it. You know, things you absolutely can't do without. Here's our list, but just assume all cheats are fair-trade and organic:
~salt & pepper (pepper, for now)
~occaisions w/ friends & family
~If it's not grown locally, bottled/packaged locally is acceptable, for now.
~presents from others
~spices, for now.

And that's it. Wish us luck!

Kim & Emmy

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